Monday, December 1, 2014

Penetration testing

Penetration testing is one of the greatest ways to improve upon your product security level , the philosophy of penetration testing wrap around the idea of Hack it yourself before they hack it for you , it brings the good side of hacking known as Ethical Hacking , In this field hackers use their long time experience to the benefit of the product it self , so instead of discovering a security whole or a Bug [1] , exploit it in their benefit to damage the product in any context , they discover it and try to fix it with the help of the product owners .


resources :

[1] Bug : Software Bug 

Hacking and securing brings mutual benefits

"without those hackers we wouldn't solve the problems we need to solve, especially security." [1] , you must of heard or seen the popular saying on hackers b-loges  As long as there's security as long as there  will be hackers,
these logical dualism comes from the idea that the whole purpose of security is to build virtual walls , fences   to protect the property  of others however what distinguishes virtual walls from actual cement walls , the fact that all of security walls are build by human beings been coded to serve a specific purpose , how ever if we twisted the conditions that those walls are meant to work in we will then reach the point where the wall won't be able to hold up anymore and it'll just break up . a huge tsunami or fluid crushing towards a regular wall , what do you thing will happen ? it's the same think that might happen to a server under a DDOS Attach [2] .

Resources :

[1] Fred Durst (2010)
[2] Disturbing Denial of Service , DDOS Wikipedia